15 Best Montessori Blogs In 2025

Montessori blog


For those starting their Montessori journey, reading through Montessori’s websites can be a challenge. The up side to finding quality Montessori blogs is that the writers have already done the work for you.

In this article we found people who blog about Montessori. These bloggers are everything from Montessori trained teachers to parents and school owners. 

1. Living Montessori Now | Information and Inspiration for Parents and Teachers

Christina and Niece (22 months) working together while making a YouTube video in September 2015

Deb Chitwood is a former Montessori teacher and school owner with a master's degree in early childhood studies. She also homeschools her kids through high school. Now she writes about Montessori activities and ideas, homeschooling and parenting in general.

2. Montessori From The Heart

 Montessori From The Heart

This blog is about Anya's Montessori life journey, and her love for her children, education, and the world around them. Her goal is to sustain her children's curiosity and the love of learning while cherishing the beauty of this world, as well as respecting and caring for it.

3. Making Montessori Ours | Our Montessori Home School in the Making

Making Montessori Ours | Our Montessori Home School in the Making

Making Montessori Ours is written by Cherrine who was a Program Coordinator for at-risk children and families before starting this blog. Her family is always busy home learning and sharing their favorite learning resources, road trips and travel, as well as crafty fun, home DIY projects, sewing, and tons more!

4. How We Montessori

How We Montessori

Based in Brisbane (Queensland, Australia) with her husband and three sons, Kylie incorporates the philosophy of Maria Montessori into her home the best she can. Her boys attend a Montessori school and she provides details month by month. 

Also Read: The 15 Best Montessori YouTube Channels You Should Be Watching

5. MOMtessori Life | Living The Montessori Life As A Mom With Two Young Children

Why Montessori

Angela has her AMS certification and taught in Montessori infant and toddler programs for six years before leaving to become a Stay-At-Home-MOMtessorian. This Blog is about a Montessori mom's home-educating journey through the infant, toddler, and preschool years. Montessori activities for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers!

6. The Natural Homeschool » Montessori

The Natural Homeschool

Tanya loves teaching creatively and always wanted to be a teacher. Her website is about beauty... beauty in life, beauty in learning, nutrition, homeschooling, Montessori, recipes, homemade toiletries and cleaners, and many great things.

7. The Montessori Family Blog

At Montessori-family, they believe that it's truly possible to implement the Montessori ideas at home to make your house and family life welcoming to your child's needs and thrive for independence. This blog offers parents, babies, and toddlers Montessori at home design, one to one support, parenting classes and online workshops.

8. Montessori World 

Montessori World 2017

Enbarani is a Montessori educator and a student for life who holds a science degree from UTM, Skudai, Malaysia and her blog shares the inner workings of her classroom. This blog shows how interesting that the environment can transform Montessori, yet all classrooms seem to have similar principles in place.

9. Adventures of a Rainbow Mama 

Amber Melody’s blog was formerly Adventures of a Montessori Mama, but she changed the title as her content changed to become a more rounded personal blog (and when her son started Waldorf school). It’s still very informative and worth digging into.

10. Maitri Learning | Montessori Pedagogy Blog

Maitri Learning

Maitri Learning was founded somewhat accidentally by a Montessori teacher who was trying to buy the perfect materials for her classroom and couldn't find them anywhere. Now, the materials she created (based specifically on the precise directions received in her AMI training) are used by Montessori teachers, parents, and teacher trainers around the world.

Also Read: Top 15 Online Montessori Schools

11. Jacaranda Tree Montessori 

Simone Davies writes beautifully about Montessori from the Netherlands. She is a Montessori teacher and mother of 2 children who have attended Montessori right up through primary school. She trained through the Association Montessori Internationale (AMI). She has been working in Montessori education for 15+ years and is passionate about working with both children and their parents.

12. Montessori Up! | Your Guide to Montessori at Home

Montessori Up! | Your Guide to Montessori at Home

Natalie and Ben, two young parents are trying to raise their little one the Montessori way. On this website, they share some great toy ideas and activities in which they discovered on their own journey.

13. The Montessori Family

This is a well established blog run by Carine Robin, an qualified Montessori teacher, parents of 2 and creator of the UKs first Montessori monthly subscription box. Through her blog, she offers parenting advice, answers questions on Montessori, and hosts courses for those looking to learn more.

14. Montessori for Today

This blog covers great resources to learn about the Montessori Method, Montessori Schools, and how you can incorporate elements of Montessori into your own home and lifestyle.

15. Montessori Candy 

Susana is a homeschooling mother of six. This is a great resource if you are looking to involve Catholic Education into your Montessori homeschool.

Also Read: Waldorf vs Montessori - What's the difference?

Final Thoughts

We hope you found some new and inspiring Montessori blogs in this article. Montessori blogs are a great resource for those just starting out and can be helpful to those already using the method. There are hundreds of Montessori blogs out there and we couldn't cover them all. Please feel free to leave your favorites in the comments! 


1 comment

  • Oh my goodness! That is such an honor to be included in your blog round-up!

    Thank you so much from the heart,

    Xo Anya


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